Hive November 2016 Logistics

This Friday, leaders like you from around the world will convene in San Francisco for three inspiring days of challenging ideas, meaningful connection and critical skills-building. We cannot wait to meet you — and for you to meet each other!
Here’s some important information as you prepare for your Hive Global Leaders Program experience:
Where and when does the program begin?
The Hive Global Leaders Program will officially begin with a Welcome Dinner on Friday November 18th at 7:00 PM at The General’s Residence at Fort Mason [Google Map]. Doors will open at 6:00 PM for an optional reception.
Where will the rest of the program be held? Is there parking?
The Innovation Hangar at The Palace of Fine Arts [Google Map]. There is free 4-hour parking available outside of the venue, but we recommend carpooling, ridesharing or taking public transportation to the event. There is additional parking available nearby on Marina Blvd.
What is the schedule for the program?
Friday November 18th – 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM (Dinner included)
Saturday November 19th – 8:30 AM to 7:30 PM
Sunday November 20th – 8:30 AM to 11:00 PM (Dinner included)
Monday November 21st – 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM with a celebratory reception until 8:00 PM
What do I need to do before I attend?
Upload your headshot and a short biography about you by completing the form here.
You can view the full participant list here:
How should I prepare myself for Hive?
We encourage you to bring your open, authentic and compassionate selves. There will be plenty of opportunities to “network” throughout the weekend, but we believe that community is built around deep connection — and that all begins at our Welcome Dinner on Friday evening!
Get connected with other participants!
If you haven’t already, we encourage you to start connecting with your peers via the November 2016 Hive Facebook group. Request an invite and we’ll add you to the group!
Do you have accommodation recommendations?
You can find available discounted accommodations at partner hotels using our web portal here. We are proud partners of Hotels for Hope and encourage you to learn more about the work that they do.
What should I wear? What will the weather be like?
+ Like San Francisco, the Innovation Hangar can get quite chilly so be sure to bring some layers. Keep it casual and relaxed and wear whatever is most comfortable for you! (Ladies, we advise against heels.)
+ Clothing that allows for brief stretching and some light outdoor activities is recommended but no need to bring athletic shoes or clothes.
+ During the day, expect temperatures to reach anywhere between 60 – 70°F, with lows in the evening around 50°F.